What else you need on a Wedding Day?

A Bride – A Groom and an Awesome Photographer with an Incredible setting.

This is what happened in a Wedding.

Michael and April Wolber had picked the perfect place for their wedding, Rock Springs Ranch in Oregon. They couldn’t wait for an idyllic outdoor wedding with all of their friends and family.Except when their ceremony began on Saturday, firetrucks pulled up, warning the wedding party that the Two Bulls wildfire was heading straight for them at a dangerous pace.So, as firefighters looked on, Michael and April rushed through their vows in half time, racing to make sure they were able to have their dream wedding in their perfect place.

All Credits goes to Josh Newton, the couple’s photographer, was snapping photos of the whole thing and ended up grabbing some absolutely incredible shots.

Check this link: http://joshnewton.pass.us/aprilandmichael/

Copyrights: Josh Newton