A big Thanks to my friend Caricaturist Sugumarje !!!

Sometimes in your life, something comes on its way that you keep it for ever. I spent few hours last week to review my friend’s Caricature Website, www.caricaturelives.com with my technical and business inputs. What he gave back is a memorable gift to my Son. Thank you so much for my son’s caricature. He loves it …… so does everyone else who has seen it. It is something he can keep forever.

www.caricaturelives.com  is an online art service portal, founded by Sugumarje, Director of Ohedas Technologies. He is the Creative Head in Caricaturelives with more than 10 years of  fine arts expertise and specialization in  Caricature…

For years, Sugumarje has specialised in caricature work, both from his studio, and at live events.

Thanks again Sugumarje!!!


His Caricature of Mr. Balumahendra, ace Cinmatographer, Editor, Director, Actor,

