So, today marks the day that reaches 5000 reads with 3000 plus unique visitors in 30 days after re-launch in December end 2013.

To me this is a terrific milestone for a month to month basis from when I first started this blog 10 years ago. I have a Google page rank scoring of ‘2‘– which I think is quite good (it’s better than 1).

I am averaging around 100 new visitors a day, which I consider to great! While I have 600 plus subscribers registered in one month, which is a very good number. A lot of my traffic comes from search engines – It is called Organic Search. 805 of the most searched term to reach my URL is ‘ Sridar”. This means actually people searching the name in search engines.

To some extent I trust the Google algorithms. I guess nobody understands fully the secrets of Google’s algorithms!

Some Statistics:





1. Wrote specific, targeted directly to the Audience.

Once you have done your two types of research it is important to put it in to practice and not just sort of generally have it in mind when you write. I need to be like a heat seeker missile going after its target. I try to keep my posts very target to just one concept either it is in English or Tamil.

2. Wrote my own content with Variety: I don’t look for hot topics, current events or target audience news. I have my own plan every week what to write and post. The uniqueness and variety in topics brings more repeated visitors. The website registers 68% of repeated visitors.

3. My titles always will be less than 71 characters. The reason is, 71 is the number of characters that Google will put in their indexation. Anything more than that gets cut off and people only get to read half a title. Similarly, most of the social media and bookmarking services only allow around that amount. And on Twitter you only have 140 characters to “sell” your title and the URL so the shorter the better.

4. I use for short URL for Sharing: I used the short URL’s for sharing. It has its own advantage.

5. Image Optimization: All my images in the website are optimized. I never upload the High Resolution and keep a code to regenerate the thumbnails on daily basis.
This will tremendously increase the web speed.

Hope this visitor growth is progressive and will grow constantly this year.

I will write more tips for increasing the Organic Traffic for personal websites.