How many of you know there is one more falls ahead of the Famous Lynn valley canyon?
What most of see is the last one with 50 feet height… There is one more falls ahead with 35 feet height, where most fun happens.
Thanks to Torch Paddles for bringing TeamSuperTramp to British Columbia to make this video!
Check them out in the link above! Torch Paddles was co-founded by our very own TeamSuperTramp member Creighton Baird, and they make the world’s first and only stand up paddleboard, canoe, and (very soon) kayak paddles with LED lights inset into the blade. That means more adventure, longer hours outdoors, and a whole new way to explore.
You can check them out online and on Instagram and Facebook at: @TorchPaddles
Behind the Scenes:…
The music in this video is called “Underwater” by Milkman. Check out their music here:
Produced by Torch Paddles
Directed by Dakota Walbeck
Filmed by Dakota Walbeck, Parker Walbeck, and Tyson Henderson
Sound Design by Nick Sales
Edited by Dakota Walbeck using Adobe Premiere Pro CC
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It’s also where I let people know how to be involved in my videos.…
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