The name derived from the first nations. I traveled last spring to explore North BC and I have few spots in my mind before I leave. One among the spot in my top 5 list is Seton lake. Seton Lake is a freshwater fjord draining east via the Seton River into the Fraser River at the town of Lillooet, British Columbia, about 22 km long and 243 m in elevation and 26.2 square kilometres in area. Its depth is 1500 feet.The lake is natural in origin but was raised slightly as part of the Bridge River Power Project, the two main powerhouses of which are on the north shore of the upper end of the lake near Shalalth.At the uppermost end of the lake is the community of Seton Portage and the mouth of the short Seton Portage River, which connects Anderson Lake on the farther side of the Portage to Seton Lake.

This shot was was taken near the reservoir.  Prior to the construction of the power project, Seton was considered the bluer and clearer and more brilliant of the two lakes. Afterwards, diversion of the glacial silt-laden waters of the Bridge River into Seton Lake have transformed it into a dull turquoise, and Anderson is now considered the bluer of the two lakes. The lake was named in the 1860s by Alexander Caulfield Anderson, who traversed the uncharted territory in 1846, after his cousin and boyhood friend, Lt. Col. Alexander Seton, who was drowned in the wreck of the troopship HMS Birkenhead off the South African coast in 1852.

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