Recently, the Hong Kong authorities invited the North Korean female traffic police to help with traffic regulation..

You know why??

North Korea may have a few things, but one of the more implausible – unless you happen to be a raving Leninist – is fashion style. Yet that is just what Pyongyang’s traffic police girls have become. In a city that on the surface appears remarkably quiet and empty, Pyongyang’s traffic girls add to the surreal appeal of Pyongyang.

With uniforms supposedly designed by Kim Jong-Il (the same man who once completed a round of golf with 18 hole-in-ones) they exude an icy authority, yet not without some aplomb. So without further ado, for the weekend, and as a change from the usual doom and gloom concerning North Korea, here’s a look at the other side of Marxist-Leninist life – North Korea’s most beautiful women – their traffic girls.

I read this from a Blogger!!

“My Dear Pyongyang Traffic Lady: Each time I passed you, I admired how you labored with your perfectly-choreographed movements to ensure that that we all — whether we be your fellow heroic socialist worker, your own Dear Leader, or an anti-socialist militarist such as myself — could proceed unimpeded toward Kim Il Sung Square in order to gaze upon the greatness of the Juche Idea. On my penultimate day in the Workers’ Paradise, I stood there on your corner for many minutes thinking that, perchance, you would return my gaze. Each time you performed your traffic pirouette in your perfectly-exact knee-length blue skirt, cocked your head, and spun in my direction; I hoped that our eyes would meet. Sadly, they never did. Alas, I shall never know your name.”